Wednesday 12 June 2013

Lastly. Reflection

Throughout this experience of blogging for this subject, there are many thing that I personally feel that I have learnt and improved. Firstly, I feel that I have really tested my own grip of my English vocabulary as well as improve in spelling. Another element that I think that I have improved is on search engine operations. This blogging assignment requires one to use one's full skill in searching for information on the internet. Besides that, there are a few thing that I have learn as a blogger. Things such as a blogger must know what to write on his/her blog in order to avoid defamation as well as copyright infringements. Next, a blogger must also be sensitive towards other cultures, races as well as religion. A blog can be shut down if the blogger wrote something that has crossed the line just by reports from the readers therefore, the content of the blog must be issue-sensitive.

Thank you very much for reading and walking with me on this blogging journey.

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