Firstly, efforts should be taken for the continuity of the radio in the future because radio is one of the key advertising tools today. The psychology of radio (1935), were also key figures in the new science of audience investigation. They explained how radio, with its unique aural form, capitalized on the time habits of a nation- making it one of the most powerful advertising/political media ever devised (Newman K.M. 2004). Next, generally all radio stations provide traffic updates as well as news broadcast at certain hours of the day particularly rush hours. As one important purpose of the radio is to help with reducing traffic jams, efforts in saving the future of radio should be of importance. vehicle-to-infrastructure wireless communications are currently under development to improve traffic efficiency and safety (Molisch et al. 2009). Imagine the extinction of radios in the future. Not only there will be no more means of entertainment while driving, those who are living in poverty will not enjoy the cheapest means of entertainment and also for those living in the city, there will be no way of knowing areas that are facing traffic jams unless you start checking social networking sites on your smartphones which is illegal while driving.
In conclusion, radio stations have been there throughout the years to fulfill many commercial as well as leisure needs for the consumers. Continuation of radio is essential for important broadcasts as well as commercial advertising in the future.
Molisch, A.F.; Tufvesson,
F.; Karedal, J.; Mecklenbrauker. "A survey on vehicle-to-vehicle
propagation channels", Wireless Communications, IEEE, On page(s): 12 - 22 Volume: 16, Issue: 6,
December 2009
(2004). Radio active: advertising and consumer activism, 1935-1947. Berkeley [u.a.], Univ. of California Press.